Bodywork Services



is an ancient, extremely effective, and poetic form of medicine. While needles are the gold standard for human treatment, animals respond very well to acupressure, often exhibiting profound shifts and changes in their issues. Traditional Chinese medicine teaches us about creating balance in the body, harmony in the mind and calmness in the Spirit. With 5 Element acupressure we are able to balance these 3 factors in a gentle and safe way and also see predispositions to both wellness and illness. We can often predict personality traits and aid the owner in understanding some of the challenges and gifts about their relationship with their animal. We can work with the owner by teaching what “buttons” to push to maintain the current course of treatment. This form of touch also creates a special bond between owner and animal as it fosters trust and gratitude from the animal.
Massage is a vital healing modality for all animals.


is a vital healing modality for all animals. It has profound effects on the body’s ability to heal, relax, and circulate fluids. Releasing tight muscles allows the body to find its natural alignment, bringing balance back into the animal’s spine, limbs, jaw and movement. There are also ways to “turn on” muscles that are not functioning as they should, again creating the give and take balance that the body needs to move properly and perform optimally. It is very effective after injuries to remove the layers of compensation that animals, especially horses, carry and provides comfort during rehabilitation and training. 


is a gentle but powerful technique that realigns the animal’s flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the body. This is done by working primarily with the cranial bones and the sacrum to realign the body’s hydraulic pumping mechanism of spinal fluid. This mechanism creates the flow and pressure of the spinal fluid which bathes all of the nerves in the entire body. Through injury and illness this flow can be disturbed and will create a disharmony in the entire body. This often is the core seated issue that is affecting the animal’s ability to heal properly or to overcome issues. It is an osteopathic technique that is profoundly effective and can be combined with all other modalities. A series of treatments will allow the animal to overcome blockages in its healing.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle but powerful technique that realigns the animal's flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the body.
Herbal and homeopathic remedies are a potent remedy that the animals will often choose in the wild.


Herbal medicine is a potent remedy that the animals will often choose in a wild setting. Animals are known to graze with the seasons and needs of their bodies. In a captive environment they are unable to utilize this wisdom that lives within them. We can supplement that with clear knowledge of the remedies and close attention to their needs, the seasons, and their maladies. 
When chosen mindfully, horses and dogs respond exceptionally well to this adjunct source of healing correctives and nutrients. 


Feeding your animal sometimes feels like it requires a PhD. There are so many choices and so many feeding fads that may or may not work for your animal depending on their lifestyle, physiology, and exercise routine. In the horse world there are many misconceptions about what is healthy for the horse, resulting in undue immune stress, metabolic disorders, digestive stress, cracked hooves, and changes in willingness, energy and personality. Inverted or disrupted mineral ratios occur in many commercial feeds, as well as pesticides, herbicides and other cumulatively harmful products. I am happy to guide you through the goods and bads and help create a healthy and productive system for you and your horse. An appointment is required for this consultation.
Nutritional Counseling will guide you through the goods and bads and help create a healthy and productive system for you and your horse.
Saddle fit will guide you to choose the proper fit for your horse.


The saddle is the intimate physical bond between you and the horse. It channels signals and energy to the horse from your body. It is imperative that it fits the horse properly and you properly. If you consider the loud signal of pain or rubbing compared to the fairly quiet signal of our seat and breathe/energy, which would win out? With improper fit every footfall for the horse could be painful, so painful they cannot hear your subtle cues. There can be irreparable damage to both soft tissue and the horses mind. With good saddle fit you and your horse can learn and play together in harmony, safety, and with respect for each other. 


Horses are masters of compensation. They are a prey species. Their DNA knows that in the wild if they look weak, the cougar will be having them for dinner. They try to hide pain and weakness by compensating with other parts of their body. They innately develop myriads of layers of compensation when injured, that become ingrained in their neurological system. Once the original injury is healed, these compensation patterns can linger on presenting themselves as more of an “off-ness” or mild lameness in the horse’s movement. This often leads to your veterinarian either extending the layup time or injecting something. There are ways we can peel the layers of compensation off and reset the neurological buttons to dislodge these deep-seated compensations from the horse. We use both manual work and give the owner a series of in hand and riding exercises to clear and reboot the system. The horse often loves the mental and physical stimulation and that 10-20% deficit that has been hanging on, will be gone.
Neuromuscular Reeducation.
I have been trained to check for dental imbalances and issues by some of the most qualified veterinarians.


Although I am not a dentist, I have been trained to check for dental imbalances and issues by some of the most qualified veterinarians trained in dentistry. I believe that dentistry should be a primary part of your care for your horse. There are many imbalances that start in the mouth that create problems all through the body. The difference between a balanced mouth and an imbalanced mouth means substantial postural changes that result in training difficulties such as tossing or tilting the head, rooting or pushing on the bit, high head carriage, bracing of the jaw, neck and shoulders, hollowing and soreness of the back, SI joint pain, pelvic malalignment, sore hocks, unwillingness and potentially dangerous behavior under saddle. Very few horses that are on production hay can just get by with a dental float. Nearly all require dentistry.
The action of extensive and varied grazing wears down teeth adequately, but when we feed production hay we need to address the incisors, hooks and ramps that occur due to a lack of exclusive grazing time. Having the horse’s teeth checked on our visit is always a must if we want to move forward with wellness and comfort for your horse. Then a recommendation to a good local dentist can be made. Dentistry is more than a weekend class and I highly recommend that you research your dentist’s training and experience level and be prudent in your choice.


One of the most heartfelt pieces of my work is helping geriatric dogs, horses, and their owners, make their way through the aging process. There are many gentle therapies we can provide to make them more comfortable, strengthen weak limbs, and help guide the process of aging instead of reacting to it. Diet and herbs can play a role in reducing high levels of medication and in turn strengthening the organs instead of stressing them. Acupressure and neuro-lymphatic movement can open up a stiff spine and reduce pain, having profound effects on the animals mental and physical well-being. I love to teach owners these techniques as it often takes away the fear and heart pain associated with the aging of their friend and facilitates a deep, loving and nurturing time that is very special. 
Wellness Library
Geriatric Wellness and Comfort is one of my most heartfelt pieces of my work.
The animal always guides me to what they need and often there is an overlap of modalities. These are a number of additional modalities that I use when they apply in specific cases.

Ortho-bionics, Energy Healing, Postural Realignment, Rehabilitation Counseling, Applied Kinesiology, Chakra Balancing, Biomechanical input for Farriers, Vetrostim, IMPAC Arthrostim, Red Light LED Laser, DMS – Deep Muscle Stimulator, Alphasonic, Advocacy support
I am not a veterinarian and this information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The techniques and supplements that I share are not meant to treat diseases, but rather to support the health of the individual animal.

The information available here is not a substitute for professional medical care by a qualified veterinarian. Always check with your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your pet’s condition or treatment. The information provided by 4Legged Wisdom and Wellness is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be veterinary or medical diagnosis, or prescribing of any kind. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your animal’s veterinarian. You should consult with a veterinarian before altering or discontinuing any of your animal’s current medications, treatment or care. You should also check with your animal’s veterinarian if you have or suspect he or she might have a health problem. In the case of an emergency consult your veterinarian immediately. 
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